

Why choose smartscripts
  • No appointment needed
  • Convenient, discreet treatment
  • Experienced clinicians
  • Cost-effective & secure
  • Irish online doctor service
  • Begin Consultation

How we work?

  • Complete online consultation
    A vital part of our process, your online consultation will be similar questions to that of a primary GP. Quick and easy, we guarantee privacy and confidentiality.
  • Clinical assessment
    We’ll review all your health information and issue a prescription once appropriate. We’ll contact you if we have any follow up questions.
  • Collect prescription
    Support your local pharmacy for best experience.


Our quick and easy online doctor service provides a convenient way of getting your eczema medication.

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, cracked, and itchy skin.
People often wonder what the best cream for eczema is, but this can be different for everyone. The best eczema cream or treatment will vary from person to person. Some people can manage their eczema with just emollients, whilst others find topical steroids helpful for severe flare-ups.
At smartscripts , you can request to order prescription dermatitis creams like Hydrocortisone, Betnovate and Fucidin H. Whatever works best for you, if you don’t know our doctors are happy to make a recommendation.


Get a prescription, for just €20, in minutes



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