

Why choose smartscripts
  • No appointment needed
  • Convenient, discreet treatment
  • Experienced clinicians
  • Cost-effective & secure
  • Irish online doctor service
  • Begin Consultation

How we work?

  • Complete online consultation
    A vital part of our process, your online consultation will be similar questions to that of a primary GP. Quick and easy, we guarantee privacy and confidentiality.
  • Clinical assessment
    We'll review all your health information and issue a prescription once appropriate. We'll contact you if we have any follow up questions.
  • Collect prescription
    Support your local pharmacy for best experience.


Rosacea can occur at any age, but usually occurs in adults older than 30 years. This common skin condition usually affects the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Rosacea can be accompanied by frequent flushing, persistent redness of central areas of the face, and in some people, acne-like spots or pimples and telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels).
Those who suffer from rosacea, can have their symptoms triggered or made worse by exposure to ultraviolet light, high and low temperatures, stress, physical activity, alcohol, smoking, spicy food, and hot drinks.

Topical treatments provide the mainstay of therapy for many individuals with this condition and maybe used alone or in combination with an oral medication. They have various active ingredients to treat the inflammatory component of the rosacea. When using topical treatments, these are usually applied to the areas affected by rosacea and not just to individual spots.

Systemic treatments may be prescribed in circumstances where the rosacea is more severe or where topical treatments have not worked, or are not recommended. These treatments are oral antibiotics.


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