

Why choose smartscripts
  • No appointment needed
  • Convenient, discreet treatment
  • Experienced clinicians
  • Cost-effective & secure
  • Irish online doctor service
  • Begin Consultation

How we work?

  • Complete online consultation
    A vital part of our process, your online consultation will be similar questions to that of a primary GP. Quick and easy, we guarantee privacy and confidentiality.
  • Clinical assessment
    We'll review all your health information and issue a prescription once appropriate. We'll contact you if we have any follow up questions.
  • Collect prescription
    Support your local pharmacy for best experience.

Birth control

Get your pill, patch, ring or injection. The easiest way to get your contraceptive medication.

Are you ready to take control
Nowadays there is a wide range of contraceptive methods available to women, and new forms of contraception are becoming available on a regular basis. Here is a brief summary of some of the more common methods currently available. This may help you decide on which form of contraception would suit you best. It should be noted that none of these protect you from the risk of sexually transmitted infections. We issue 6-month prescriptions for all contraceptive products that are available in Ireland. We are not able to provide prescriptions for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), such as implants or coils, via this service.


Get a prescription, for just €20, in minutes


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