

Why choose smartscripts
  • No appointment needed
  • Convenient, discreet treatment
  • Experienced clinicians
  • Cost-effective & secure
  • Irish online doctor service
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How we work?

  • Complete online consultation
    A vital part of our process, your online consultation will be similar questions to that of a primary GP. Quick and easy, we guarantee privacy and confidentiality.
  • Clinical assessment
    We'll review all your health information and issue a prescription once appropriate. We'll contact you if we have any follow up questions.
  • Collect prescription
    Support your local pharmacy for best experience.

Hay fever

Hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis) is an allergic reaction caused by an allergen such as pollen, dust, mould or fungal spores that causes inflammation of the inside of the nose. It’s a very common condition. Allergic rhinitis typically causes cold-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchiness and a blocked or runny nose. But unlike a cold, hay fever isn’t caused by a virus.

Several hay fever treatments are available on prescription. Strong hayfever tablets can be prescribed such as Telfast. These are all prescription-only antihistamine tablets.

Rhinolast is a prescription nasal spray that contains the active ingredient azelastine, an antihistamine. This can be used to treat nasal symptoms. Beconase nasal spray is also available on prescription, Dymista is a nasal spray that contains two ingredients – fluticasone and azelastine.

There are also prescription-strength eye drop used for hay fever symptoms such as itchy, red and watery eyes. This contains the active ingredient azelastine.


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